Book Review Time: Ehrengard

Once upon time there lived a young maiden called Ehrengard. She came from a warrior clan. Her carriage–steely, as was her resolve. A Valkyrie, Ehrengard was. One day she was called upon to assist in an act of royal intrigue. A pampered princess with child and a delivery date that doesn’t quite square with herContinue reading “Book Review Time: Ehrengard”

Book Review Time: what are you going through

It’s important to have a healthy amount of self-awareness. Depending on the audience, and perhaps the situation, measuring what we say; how we act and react, may be necessary. Of course, this requires a bit of skill. One must certainly avoid disingenuousness. In matters of great import, it is often the wiser course to speakContinue reading “Book Review Time: what are you going through”

Book Review Time: The Overstory

It’s been awhile, no? I’m not silly nor pompous enough to believe you all have been waiting in hopeless anticipation for my next book review. But I do think it’s only right that I provide some form of explanation for my weeks-long absence. Plain and simple…it was life. Or at least, life as we knowContinue reading “Book Review Time: The Overstory”

Book Review Time: Song For Anninho

Almeyda rests, recovering. The wounds she sustained to her chest are severe. Almeyda was discovered by a medicine woman, unconscious and disfigured. Now, the medicine woman carefully tends to her injuries. With trust well earned, Almeyda confides to this woman, Zibrata. She reveals to her the story of her life; how she came to beContinue reading “Book Review Time: Song For Anninho”

Book Review Time: The Night Swimmers

My book review process has developed into a set pattern that works really well for me. I read a book of my choosing (although I have accepted submissions in the past.) Once I’ve finished, I give myself a day or two. Just a little time to let the full story sink in. An opportunity toContinue reading “Book Review Time: The Night Swimmers”

Book Review Time: That Hair

The history of my hair and I may sound like a long-fought war to some. Picture me, as a young girl. There’s also a woman in the frame. She has been entrusted by my mother to render the task. I’m sitting in a chair. The woman is standing behind me. She has parted my hairContinue reading “Book Review Time: That Hair”

Book Review Time: Paris Never Leaves You

Charlotte Foret is in a dangerously vulnerable position. She is a French widow living in Paris during the German Occupation. Food is as scarce as reliable intel concerning the war effort. And German soldiers (with willing assistance from local gendarmes) can at any moment, decide to round-up French citizens, carting them off to places unknown;Continue reading “Book Review Time: Paris Never Leaves You”

Book Review Time: Must I Go

As one grows older, foreseeing fewer and fewer years ahead, reflection becomes a natural inclination. An honest review of one’s life can be a difficult task. Along with the great moments (marriages, births, etc.), come the darker ones. Perhaps, something important went unnoticed, or a bad decision led to disastrous consequences. Infidelity, divorce, family estrangement,Continue reading “Book Review Time: Must I Go”

Book Review Time: Salvage The Bones

I was 15 years old when Hurricane Andrew hit the southeastern coast of Florida. It hadn’t been forecasted to take the path that it did. But if you know anything about hurricanes, you know that they have minds of their own, and often skirt predictability. Days before that strange and terrifying evening, we assumed, worstContinue reading “Book Review Time: Salvage The Bones”

Book Review Time: This Is How You Lose the Time War

Dear Fellow Bibliophiles, I am writing this letter to inform you of my most recent reading experience. The book is called This Is How You Lose the Time War. Its co-writers are Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. The story is a literary tango of sorts; the dancers, Red and Blue. On the battlefield of competingContinue reading “Book Review Time: This Is How You Lose the Time War”