Are you in a reading slump? Part 2

Are you in a reading slump?

Tip #2 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

What better way to spend your free time than by reading. If I had to choose between tackling the stack of dishes in my kitchen sink, or diving into a novel of Dicksenian length, I would always choose the latter. Plus, I have kids. They can do the dishes. It’s all about delegating. 

And since my goal is to get more people to read, I’ve returned with another tip to help you get your reading groove back.

As I stated in the previous post, one should keep their options open when it comes to their reading selections. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, magazines, newspapers, comic books, everything is fair game. Feed your mind and reap the benefits. 

But another option, not yet mentioned, are audiobooks.

Tip #2: Try audiobooks

If you’re familiar with the booksandbevs7 blog, you may remember my post “Confessions Of A Former Book Snob” . In this post, I detail my rocky history with audiobooks. And I recount an embarrassing moment where I was ever-so-gently put in my place.

After years of inexplicable resistance, I’ve come to rely on audiobooks, not only as a way to break reading slumps, but also as a legitimate form of entertainment.

Case in point, I recently listened to the much talked about audio version of Britney Spears’ The Woman In Me, and it was well worth my time. Over the course of a week, commuting to and from work, I learned a lot about this young woman’s turbulent life.

Hard work and ambition led her to the pinnacle of super-stardom. But failed romances, relentless media hounding, society’s gender biases, and a years-long conservatorship threatened to destroy her and everything she built. In spite of it all, Ms. Spears survived. 

Although I ultimately decided against doing a dedicated “Book Review Time” post for The Woman In Me, I still highly recommend it. With narration from the incomparable Michelle Williams, you’ll not only be entertained but you’ll truly sympathize with Ms. Spears, a woman who hated the media scrutiny yet also desired so much to be recognized for her talent. Celebrity ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

So what do you think?

Audiobooks sound interesting?

Go ahead and give it a try. You’ll be out of this slump in no time…

Cheers and happy reading!!!


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5 thoughts on “Are you in a reading slump? Part 2

  1. Loving your articles. Whatever works to appreciate a good book is my motto. For me the path of least resistance is always the one that helps things stick for me.

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