Are you in a reading slump?

Are you in a reading slump?

Tip #1 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

No need to feel guilty. Reading slumps are a common occurrence. I, myself, have experienced it from time to time. Especially when life gets busy…stress is mounting. At the end of the day, you come home tired and deflated, and the idea of reading a good book gets pushed to the way-side. (In this scene, picture a woman looking solemnly at the stack of books, yet to be read, on her bedside table. Sad, isn’t it?)

But for me, reading is so entrenched, it’s in my DNA. It’s also an integral part of my self-care routine. So, if you’re anything like me, but you’re suffering from a bit of the “slumpies,” (I wonder if that term will catch fire…probably not) I am here to help.

Tip #1: Branch Out

Avid readers all have their favorite genres: Romance, Sci-Fi, Biographies, History, YA…

I happen to be drawn to family sagas. Big, chunky novels that allow one to travel through generations of highs and lows. Dramas such as Yaa Gyasi’s Homecoming and Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko come to mind. Amazing novels that examine complicated family dynamics up close, weaving together multiple storylines to create something both meaningful and masterful.

But as much as I love well-researched, heart-wrenching stories about families, that’s not the only types of books I read. I’d be pretty worn-out emotionally if I did.

So as with many things, variety is the spice of life. If you’re experiencing the “slumpies” (I swear, I’m going to make this term catch fire) consider mixing things up a bit. If you’re a fan of romance novels but the redundant tropes have become a bore, try a thriller or perhaps something even more blood-curdling. I know it might sound crazy but hear me out. Koji Suzuki’s horror classic, Ring, helped me move through a recent block and it might help you too. However, it might also lead to insomnia because you’ll be too afraid to fall asleep. But that’s a whole other problem that I’m not qualified to give advice on. Something to consider.

So if not horror, how about sci-fi? Kazuo Ishiguro’s strangely beautiful novel, Klara And The Sun explores the intense and complicated relationship between an AI robot and her human friend . Sound interesting to you? Or maybe you’ll want to revisit a literary classic. Jane Austen novels never fail to entertain (although I do take issue with Mansfield Park, but I’ll save that for another post.)

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a novel that entertains you. With characters that you’re interested in and are willing to invest your time in. Just one spark will rekindle that fire within.

And once you’re back to your regular reading routine, celebrate with a glass of Gruet. It’s amazingly affordable and it taste great!!! I love bubbles!!!

Btw, I get nothing from that plug.

Happy Reading!!!

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6 thoughts on “Are you in a reading slump?

  1. Great use of gifs! Love it.
    I was in a reading slump but just read 3 books in 10 days, which is a record for me.

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