Are you in a reading slump? Part 4 (The Finale)

Are you in a reading slump? Tip #4 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!! Well we’ve reached the end of the series. And not to toot my own horn, but thusfar booksandbevs7 has provided you with some solid advice for tackling your bout with the slumps. Reading outside of the box. Trying out audiobooks.Continue reading “Are you in a reading slump? Part 4 (The Finale)”

Are you in a reading slump? Part 3

Are you in a reading slump? Tip #3 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!! This is gonna sound weird, but… I’m woman who believes in carrying a big purse. It’s a vestige of early motherhood, when having baby wipes and an assortment of snacks on hand was of the utmost importance. Those days areContinue reading “Are you in a reading slump? Part 3”

Are you in a reading slump? Part 2

Are you in a reading slump? Tip #2 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!! What better way to spend your free time than by reading. If I had to choose between tackling the stack of dishes in my kitchen sink, or diving into a novel of Dicksenian length, I would always choose the latter.Continue reading “Are you in a reading slump? Part 2”

Are you in a reading slump?

Are you in a reading slump? Tip #1 to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!! No need to feel guilty. Reading slumps are a common occurrence. I, myself, have experienced it from time to time. Especially when life gets busy…stress is mounting. At the end of the day, you come home tired and deflated, andContinue reading “Are you in a reading slump?”